Open Force Field Initiative applies for NIH fundingPosted on 16 Mar 2019
by John Chodera
The Open Force Field Initiative has applied for NIH R&D funding to produce modern toolkits and high-quality biomolecular force fields to model complex heterogeneous biomolecular systems
Infrastructure UpdatePosted on 22 Jan 2019
by Jeff Wagner
Meeting of Open Force Field package developers
Torsion subgroup updatePosted on 16 Oct 2018
by Lee-Ping Wang
Meeting to discuss current status and future directions of software tools related to torsion drive calculations
Introducing Open Force Field Science UpdatesPosted on 11 Oct 2018
by John D. Chodera
Open Force Field Science Updates will help you keep track of research and engineering activities from the Open Force Field Initiative

Jan 2019 Open Force Field Consortium WorkshopPosted on 6 Oct 2018
by John D. Chodera
Open Force Field Consortium Workshop in San Diego, January 7-8, 2019.
Webinar on the SMIRNOFF format and learned chemical perception Oct. 10Posted on 6 Oct 2018
by David L. Mobley
MolSSI fellow Caitlin Bannan gives a BioExcel webinar this Oct. 10 on her work with the Initiative
Announcing the Open Force Field ConsortiumPosted on 1 Oct 2018
by Lee-Ping Wang
The Open Force Field Consortium is a new academic-industry collaboration to fund the Open Force Field Initiative.
Support for open source cheminformatics toolkits is coming!Posted on 30 Sep 2018
by John Chodera
A rundown of coming changes and improvements in the openforcefield toolkit.
Introducing the Open Force Field InitiativePosted on 21 Sep 2018
by John Chodera
The Open Force Field Initiative is an open effort to develop better biomolecular force fields focusing on open source, open science, and open data.